Psychotherapy, Collaboration, & Consultation
Individual, couples, and family therapy sessions in the comfort of your own home. Therapy begins with 3 telehealth sessions to assess fit for in-home services.
60-minute sessions
One-on-one telehealth sessions, young children to mid-adulthood (12 to 50’s). Utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and self-awareness-focused interventions
53-Minute Sessions
Telehealth sessions promoting healthy communication, emotional support, and fostering genuine, healthy relationships
53-Minute Sessions
Supporting couples through new relationships, improving communication, focusing on emotional awareness/expression, and navigating divorce
53-Minute Session
PMT focuses on positive parenting utilizing behavioral principles, positive reinforcement, structure, coparenting, and healthy authoritative parenting
53-minute sessions
Includes attending school meetings, advocating for assessment and in-school supports, and general support in creating healthy collaboration between families and schools
*Hours vary depending upon needs
Private consultation for early career clinicians and graduate students. This does not include supervision with the goal of licensure.
50-minute supervision appointments
Presenting on various topics such as self-care, relaxation techniques, parenting, mental health in the classroom, etc.
I do not accept insurance, but I can provide patients with a monthly detailed statement to be submitted to your insurance provider for out-of-network reimbursement or to be put towards your deductible. I am eligible for most HSA cards (check with your insurance company).
Call your insurance provider to ask about your plan’s out-of-network coverage.